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Discover a Personalized Approach to Reclaiming Your Energy and Restoring
Your Health naturally



Remember those days when you were a total powerhouse?

Balancing work, family, friends, and fun like a boss?

But lately, it's like someone hit the energy switch off

You're dragging at work, barely able to keep your head up and you’re forgetting things left and right.
You’re waking up drenched in sweat, your libido is in the tank and you’re constantly anxious or overwhelmed and
you’re just not feeling like yourself.

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Multiple Doctor Visits

Maybe you've visited the doctor to get to the bottom of things only to be sent home with a prescription that offers little to no relief whatsoever.

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Feeling Gaslit

Or maybe your doctor has told you "Nothing's wrong, you're fine!" or "It's just stress… see a psychologist."

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Too Much Research

You’re worried that it might be something bigger. Or is it “just” Perimenopause or a low thyroid?

Whatever is happening in your body, you know deep down inside that something is off.
And to be honest you’re feeling a little gaslit by your doctors.

You just want your previous life of energy back and someone to take you seriously!

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Insert a Headline About Your Guarantee

Insert a couple of paragraphs explaining your moneyback guarantee.  Be sure to include the amount of time the guarantee covers, how to ask for a refund, and any other.

“This is your chance to speak directly to your clients, so let's get personal. Why are you passionate about this work? What do you love about your clients? Why should they trust you? A personal promise and guarantee can help reassure clients that they are making the right choice."

Your name


Guess what? You're not crazy!

Your lack of energy, brain fog and anxiousness mean your body is trying to tell you something. 

But sometimes symptoms can go completely undetected by traditional lab screenings or traditional health practitioners which leave you feeling frustrated, hopeless and unheard.

I’ve treated hundreds of people with these symptoms and almost all of them were experiencing something I call Adrenal Dysfunction. 

In short, your symptoms are real and you deserve expert care, effective treatment, and to feel listened to and supported on your journey to better health.

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Insert a Headline About Your Guarantee

Insert a couple of paragraphs explaining your moneyback guarantee.  Be sure to include the amount of time the guarantee covers, how to ask for a refund, and any other.

“This is your chance to speak directly to your clients, so let's get personal. Why are you passionate about this work? What do you love about your clients? Why should they trust you? A personal promise and guarantee can help reassure clients that they are making the right choice."

Your name


So, What’s Adrenal Dysfunction Anyhow?

Adrenal Dysfunction occurs when your body's adrenal glands, which produce the hormone cortisol, get overworked and struggle to keep up with demand. 

It's like running on empty after pushing yourself too hard for too long – you feel tired, worn out, and generally just not yourself. Adrenal Dysfunction can affect your energy levels, mood, and ability to handle stress, leaving you feeling drained, anxious and overwhelmed.

And to make matters worse, these symptoms are often missed or brushed off by doctors because Adrenal Dysfunction can look like a million different health problems! 

So instead of getting the real help you need, you might end up with a quick-fix solution like hormones or supplements that barely scratch the surface of what's
really going on.

But here's the good news: it's treatable, and there's a way to reclaim your energy and feel like yourself again…
Without medication and the guesswork!


Hey there, I’m Dr. Tricia Pingel
a Naturopathic doctor,
dog mom, and boy mom,
also known as the Adrenal Whisperer.

It wasn’t that long ago that I was like you - burning the candle at both ends, trying to be there for everyone else and putting my own health on the back burner…again!

I was born with a Type A personality…

I’ve always been an overachiever!

My dad died when I was 24.

I was in med school, and I powered through…

I didn’t really start grieving my dad until my mom died when I was 40.

I was devastated when my mom died, but I had a full caseload of patients, and I didn’t think I could take a leave of absence from work…

Once Again, I Powered through…

I continued to work 10 hour days and do “all the things.”

I thought I could emotionally handle it all.

I thought I was OK because I wasn’t breaking down emotionally at work…

But the stress and my grief were taking a toll on my body…

Unbeknownst to me, my body couldn’t handle that level of stress.

Even though I was an adrenal fatigue doctor, I still thought I could fly under the radar on this one.

My body went into Stage 2 adrenal fatigue — the kind that can take up to a year to reverse, right under my nose.

I was too busy doing “all the things” to recognize the damage the stress was doing to my body.

Eventually, I stopped being able to do “all the things”...

My hair was thinning, my body muscles had wasted away, and frankly, I looked sickly.  My energy and overall health tanked.

When I opened my eyes and realized I was in Stage 2 adrenal fatigue, I knew I needed to make massive changes…

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I was terrified that I was on the path to Stage 3 adrenal fatigue, which is a devastating affliction.

I knew that I needed to commit 100% to restoring my adrenals so that I could reverse my Stage 2 adrenal fatigue.

And that’s exactly what I did!

I finally allowed myself to fully grieve the loss of my parents.

I prioritized ME and replenished my adrenals through lifestyle and dietary changes.

I can honestly say that in these past six years, I’ve felt better than I’ve ever felt at any other time in my entire life. I feel like I’m aging backward!

I bounce out of bed every morning and maintain high energy levels until bedtime…

I’m inspired to dance several times a day and be authentically ME!

I’ve reconnected with my youthful, fun-loving self and I truly love my life!

I’ve used all the lessons and strategies from my own health journey to help hundreds of people reverse their low energy and brain fog, and get their lives back by healing their adrenals…

And I’m confident I can help you restore your adrenals back to health and get you back to being the super rad rockstar that you are!

Now there's finally a way we can work together one-on-one to help you get there!

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My 1:1 Medical Concierge Service is your personalized path to reclaiming your energy and restoring your health by treating the root cause.

No more endless Google searches or guessing games. If you’re craving someone who gets it, someone who will listen, investigate, and hand you a roadmap to feeling fabulous again, you’re in the right place!

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How it Works:

Concierge medicine is like having a doctor in your pocket.

Together, we'll create a health plan that's tailored specifically for you – easy to follow and perfectly aligned with your lifestyle. It's all about reclaiming your youthful energy and getting back to thriving in every aspect of your life.

  1. Initial Consultation:
    First up, we'll meet up to connect and really dig into your concerns. We'll run some personalized lab tests to get to the bottom of your symptoms and give you the lowdown on your health AND the steps we can take to help you feel your best as soon as possible.

  2. Your Personalized Plan:
    Together, we'll create a tailor-made plan that's all about you! This customized approach covers nutrition, supplementation, movement, mindset and more. This is NOT a cookie cutter, one-size-fits-all program. It’s custom-designed to help you reignite your energy and infuse more joy into your life.

  3. Ongoing Support:
    We'll check in regularly and make adjustments as needed and I’ll be personally supporting you every step of the way. You’ll have direct access to me 7 days a week so know that I’ll be in your corner supporting you throughout this entire journey!

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Here's What's Included

Appointment Scheduling

Convenient Online Appointment Scheduling 

Say goodbye to sitting on hold  — our online appointment scheduling system makes booking a breeze, allowing you to schedule appointments at your convenience.

Medical Portal

Secure Medical Portal

Access your health records and communicate securely with me through our user-friendly medical portal, ensuring your information remains confidential.


Private Supportive Community

Join our private community group for additional

support, connection and encouragement from peers on a similar health journey.

Meds + Supplement Management

Medication and Supplement Management

 I’ll help you manage your medications and supplements effectively, ensuring you get the most out of your treatment plan.

Discount on Supplements

Discount on Supplements

Enjoy exclusive discounts on supplements, making it easier and more affordable to reach your health goals.

Educational Resources

Educational Resources

Dive into resources to boost your overall well-being, including tips on cooking healthy meals, incorporating daily exercise, and managing stress effectively. 

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Plus, I’ve got a few bonuses up my sleeve to share with you too!


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Total Energy Turnaround: You’ll get full access to my 90-day online guided course to help you look, feel and be great without relying on medications & regain the energy you enjoyed in your 20s. (A $1995 Value)

You’ll get EVERYTHING you need to feel like your Rockstar self again, including:

  • The Essential 4-Step Guide to Replenish Your Energy

  • "Reclaim the Energy of a 20-Year-Old" Bite-Sized Videos

  • "Shrink Your Belly Fat" Exercise Program 

  • "Nourish Your Adrenals" Cookbook 

  • "Nutrient Dense Daily Meal Plan" to Revitalize Depleted Adrenals

  • Exclusive Vagus Nerve Calming Exercises to Increase Your Energy

  • Major Accountability 

…and so much more!


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Total Health Turnaround: You’ll also receive a copy of my book “Total Health Turnaround” (a $21.99 value) which includes:

  • Total Health Program Guide- Your roadmap to holistic wellness

  • Total Health Cookbook- Delicious recipes to support your health goals

  • Total Health Journal - Track progress and stay motivated on your journey

  • Customizable Meal Plan- Easy-to-follow meal plans for balanced nutrition

  • Shopping List- Convenient ingredients for healthy eating

Together we will get to the root cause of your energy deficiencies and reclaim your life and your health.

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"Once we started working with Dr. Pingel, we realized that we had a very special doctor truly interested in her patients' well-being.  Her responsiveness to our emails, texts, and calls is unheard of in the medical industry.  She has an infinite curiosity about all things medical and is not afraid to research problems and solutions.  Again, that is just not available with other physicians.” 



Anna Avocado
Avocado Inc

Hear Directly From Our Clients


I started having a lot of anxiety and couldn’t sleep. I felt like I was going to die. Other doctors just wanted to put me on sleeping medications and other pills. 

When I met Dr. Pingel, I hadn’t slept for close to 8 days. As a result, I was so exhausted that I couldn’t drive a car, and I had to stop working and move in with my mom.  

Within a week, I started to sleep again. I was able to move back into my house within 5 weeks. My anxiety attacks and insomnia are now completely gone, and I have slept great for two solid years now!



I’m a classic type A! I do all these things and I had always done them 110%, but after my first child was born, my health started to unravel. I went from sleeping 10 hours a night to not being able to fall asleep until 4:00 AM, and then my daughter would wake me up at 6:30 AM. 

Dr. Pingel helped me with hypothyroidism, Hashimoto's, constipation, adrenal fatigue, hormone imbalances, insomnia, candida, and SIBO (to name a few, ha ha). She’s also helped me emotionally. She has been there literally every step of the way!  Overall, I feel really happy with my health and energy now! I can't imagine anyone else listening and guiding me over the years as well as Dr. Pingel has. She's the best!



“I had taken thyroid medicine since I was 16, and I had been on antidepressants for 14 years. I was always tired and irritable. I would go to bed at 8 p.m. and sleep until 12 or 1 p.m. the next day—and I’d still wake up tired!

After starting to work with Dr. Pingel, I lost 65 pounds, got off my prescription meds and my energy returned! My coworker said she can’t believe the change in me. I feel like a different person!  The best part? This plan was so easy—and quick! I was skeptical at first, but this has changed my life in a mere month or two. Dr. Pingel saved my life!”


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Turn Your Vision Into a Reality

Better Energy

Better energy

Enjoy your life and keep up with your active lifestyle

A Calm Mind

A Calm Mind

A calm, focused mind so that you can incorporate more fun into your life!

Restful Sleep

Restful Sleep

More restful sleep so you can wake up feeling rested

Manage Anxiety

Manage Anxiety

Less worry, more gratitude

Work Life Balance

Work Life Balance

Feeling more productive in work and life

Reduce Bloating

Reduce Bloating

Less bloat, better digestion, and better energy as a result

Balance Hormones

Balance Hormones

Well-balanced hormones that work FOR you, not against you

Feel Like You Again

Feel Like You Again

A return to your real self - the one that has some spunk!

Go from wired and tired to calm and collected, so that you can live your life with energy and authenticity.

It's time to feel like your energetic self again!

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No more waiting on hold, or in a cold waiting room in an awkward gown to receive the health support you really need.

With concierge medicine, you have the benefit of saving precious time and getting to the bottom of your health concerns quickly and easily while also enjoying the time spent with your doctor. 

Taking care of your health becomes an enjoyable experience rather than a dreaded one. 

Have a question? Simply ask me your questions and I’ll respond with education and resources.
It is really as simple as that!

I promise you that you CAN have an open and honest relationship with your doctor — one where you feel heard, understood and empowered in your health.

Ready to experience the personalized care and support you deserve? Take the first step towards reclaiming your health AND your energy today!

Frequently Asked Questions

How long do you typically work with someone?

I am blessed to work with my clients for many years at a time. The reason I love concierge medicine is not only can I help my clients, but I develop true, solid relationships with them that we can continue to nurture as time goes on. There is always something in health to work on, and we evolve through the process together.

Does it matter where I live?

There are certain rules for Naturopathic Physicians in different states and therefore often travel to Arizona for one appointment a year is required. This is something that we can guide you on once the application is submitted.

Is there a fee to apply?

There is no fee to apply to work with me - so what do you have to lose? Let's see if this is a good fit for you! I am committed to your success!

What happens after I fill out the application?

Your application will be personally reviewed by Dr. Pingel and her team. One of our team members will reach out to you so that you can discuss options.

Is there a Guarantee? 

There is little guarantee in the health industry. What you get out of healthcare is a direct result of what you put into it. Therefore, the guarantee is between your dedication to your health, your willingness to learn and take action and its success. I do not offer refunds on concierge program purchases. However, I can guarantee that:

  • I will show up for you 100%, ready and prepared to guide you through every step of the way

  • You will find me easily accessible and willing to answer all questions you may have 

  • If I cannot answer a question, I will seek to find options, alternatives, and answers 

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Insert a Headline About Your Guarantee

Insert a couple of paragraphs explaining your moneyback guarantee.  Be sure to include the amount of time the guarantee covers, how to ask for a refund, and any other.

“This is your chance to speak directly to your clients, so let's get personal. Why are you passionate about this work? What do you love about your clients? Why should they trust you? A personal promise and guarantee can help reassure clients that they are making the right choice."

Your name


My Promise to You

When you choose me as your partner in health, here's what you can expect. I will:

  • Always have your best interests at heart, guiding you towards optimal well-being every step of the way. 

  • Provide educational resources to empower and guide you, so that you understand what your body needs to thrive.

  • Be there to cheer on your victories and celebrate your progress with you, because your success is my success.

  • Show up to our appointments on time and fully prepared, ready to give you the support and attention you deserve.

  • Listen attentively to your concerns and actively seek ways to provide you with further support, ensuring you feel heard and valued.

  • Approach your health holistically, drawing from a range of alternative options to medications, including botanical medicine, nutritional medicine, and mind-body techniques.

  • Evolve with you as your needs evolve, constantly expanding the tools and resources I offer and responding to your feedback to ensure you receive the best possible care.
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This program is right for you if you are: 

  • Frustrated with the run-around from traditional medical physicians
  • Seeking a reliable naturopathic partner to guide you in your health journey
  • Tired of feeling tired
  • Ready to feel active and overall healthier so that you can achieve what you want to do each day without limitation

And you've committed to...

  • Taking action on your future health 
  • Being coachable and open to new ideas 
  • Wanting a customized health plan
  • Monetarily investing in your health for a minimum of one year

You don’t have to settle for feeling exhausted, anxious and overwhelmed all the time.

You can fix your adrenals, and when you do you’ll get back to feeling like
your healthy, lively self again — with the energy of a 20-year-old!

It’s time to take your control back. Let's kickstart your journey to better health together!

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Copyright © 2024. Dr. Tricia Pingel